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Monday, June 27, 2011

Bridgewater Senior Center Computer Courses

9/12/2011 to 11/15/2011

Mondays and Tuesday - 10:00AM to Noon
(Tuesday only starting 9/27/2011)

These classes are for all individuals who have some experience or none in the use of a personal computer.  You do not need to own a personal computer to take any of our courses. Computers are available at the Center. Coaches may assist students in each of these classes.

Computer  Fundamentals (9-12 and 9-13)   This two lesson course is  designed  for  individuals  who  have  had limited use of a computer  before  and  for individuals  who  are  not  yet comfortable  using the keyboard or mouse  to communicate with a computer. In this course, you will learn to master the mouse and the basic computer use of the keyboard and a lot of useful activities.

Using Google G-Mail  - (9-19 and 9-20) - This  two  lesson  course is  designed  for  individuals  who  would like to communicate with family and friends by using E-Mail. Want to become more proficient with E-mail?  Are you confused about sending or receiving emails?   How about sending and receiving pictures or other attachments?  Are you using your Contacts address book to eliminate typing long addresses in every E-mail you send?   If you have E-mail questions or problems, then this 2 Session class is for you!

Using Google Search - (9-27 and 10/4) - This two lesson course is designed for Searching the Internet to find or purchase things. Want to find someone in the White Pages or create a Map to get to some place?  Do you have an item that you want but can’t find it in the store?  How about a part or other attachment for fixing something?  Ever think of using EBay?  If you have Internet questions or problems, then this 2 Session class is for you!

These classes are for individuals who have experience and are comfortable using a personal computer. You should own or have access to a personal computer to be able to use these skills.  If you are not already comfortable using a computer or if you have difficulties using the keyboard or mouse, then you should also enroll in the Basic course.

Using Digital Cameras  
Working on Pictures (10-11 and 10-18) This two lesson course is designed to explore digital camera use with computers. You will learn how to download pictures directly from your camera and how to arrange them in folders. If you don’t have this kind of a camera and want to explore which camera may be the right one for you, this Session is for you! You can enhance your pictures automatically and /or manually adjust them .You will learn how to change brightness, crop and even order prints from your local CVS or Internet vendor. This is a fun Session and may be one you will really enjoy!

Making Movies - (10-25 and 11-01)
This two lesson course  is  designed to take your pictures, Videos and Music on your computer and combine them into a movie .You will learn how to how to add Titles, Captions and Credits to your movie and even Publish it on You-Tube or make a DVD. Imagine the surprise of your friends and family when they receive a DVD produced by you. None of the other sessions are as much fun as this one. Don’t be the one to miss it!

WORD 2007 
Using Word 2007 (11-8 and 11-15) - This two lesson course teaches  you  how  to  use  the  most common  functions available  in the Microsoft Word 2007 software program.   The class will start by reviewing some of the MS Word features you should recognize, including, inserting, deleting and selecting text, moving through and saving documents, spell checking, printing and using menu and command bars.   As the course progresses, you will learn formatting skills including changing character fonts, sizes and colors and formatting paragraphs.


One on One Tutoring  
Individualized Computer Lessons -   Do you own a computer?  Ask about our Loaner/Adoption Program. Do our other class offerings not fit your needs?  How does a personal tutor for one-on-one education sound?  We've got it! Do you have an area you need help with? Some of the topics prior students have requested are:

Searching the  Internet, Ancestry research Including the International Databases. (A separate $10 donation is required), Skype/Webcams, E-mail usage including sending attachments, Word processing, System protection, System  maintenance,    Navigating  Windows 7, Managing  digital  pictures, Understanding  Quicken or TurboTax, Buying and Selling  on E-Bay. Pick one topic and spend as many weeks as you want on it, or pick a different topic each time you attend.  You can even bring your own laptop to class to increase your learning experience.  There is no other class offered in the area that is tailored just for you.

Our Coaches will be available to help you Monday and Tuesday from 10am – 12pm. (By Appointment only)

IMPORTANT:  To maximize your benefit, we have established an all inclusive fee to become a member of the BWSC Computer Club. For an annual Donation of $25, all the sessions are free, but you will have an obligation to learn and help others in the Group. The Donation is expected before the beginning of the courses. For non-members, the cost for each subject is $10 and is credited toward membership.